
Brecht Today: Interview with Alexander Kluge
Angelos Koutsourakis
University of Sussex
Alexander Kluge is one of the most important voices of the 20th century. A political philosopher associated with the writings of the Frankfurt School, a filmmaker and a novelist, Kluge is a figure that has challenged Orthodox Marxist philosophy and the conventions of cinematic and literary language...

Colin Firth on The King's Speech

Intrusion of the Real: an interview with Sophie Fiennes,Director, The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema (2006)
Marty Fairbairn
Independent Scholar, Guelph, Canada
Sophie Fiennes’ The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema is a thrilling ride through some of the
greatest movies of the last fifty years with Slovenian philosopher/psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek as our guide. Žižek is engaging and entertaining while still managing to enlighten us..

Sinemada Diyalektik Kurgu
Yazar: Dr. Cengis T. ASLTÜRK
1. Baskı, Eylül 2008 Beykent Üniversitesi Yayınları, No. 53 Sinema Dizisi 1
